Creativity Wiki
Nrrlak Villager
General Information
Universe SPORE
Amalgam Universe
Homeworld Pteis
Environment Cities
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological Information
Reproduction Sexual; lays eggs
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding Behavior Liquivorous
Skin Color Gray
Lineage Information
Ancestor(s) Krunjj, Ront, Flont, Pyncush, Nalto
Cultural Information
Affiliation(s) Great Trade Organization
Capital City Leogoz
Leaders Early Stone Age: Chief Kamale I
Industrial Age: Chief Kamale II
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific Taxonomy
Planet Pteis
Other Information
Status Least Concern
Creator Somarinoa
Nrrlaks evolved from Naltos, and are the sapient race of the planet Pteis. They have finally entered a tribal state, and fashion is beginning to trend.
Vacotor Database, Terran description


Dietary Habits[]


Food Chain[]

Notable Individuals[]

  • Chief Kamale I, first cultivator of fire and first known chieftain of the early Stone Age.
  • Chief Kamale II, founder of the planet's first city, Leogoz.


Terrestrial Vehicles[]

Kipeijing Battletank[]

Kipeijing Battletank

The Battletank was invented by Nrrlaki military geniuses in the city of Kipeijing, the former head of the blue nation on Pteis. Its giant treads get it through any terrain, and its gigantic cannons eliminate any opposition.

Singing Pteiscrab[]

Singing Pteiscrab

The Singing Pteiscrab was a project created by Norrott builders. Representing a gargantuan pteiscrab, it 'speaks' the word of their deity out of its proboscis - actually a large horn.

Vault Duck[]

Vault Duck

Nrrlak Vault Ducks are large freighter trucks built to move valuable items in an storage vault built to one side. It is especially useful in moving shipments of spice between cities. It has offroad capabilities, meaning it can handle almost any terrain.

Sea Vehicles[]

Hesper Freighter[]

Hesper Freighter

The Hesper Freighter is a large sea barge built for transporting large quantities of spice or other goods across large bodies of water. Though not what one could call fast, its transportation quantities are second to none.

Aerial Vehicles[]

Summiting Goshawk[]

Summiting Goshawk

These aerial jets are world-class, albeit heavy, transport vessels that ship the world's most precious materials with its economic elite to take care of political strife and intrigue at a moment's notice.

Space Vehicles[]

Nrrlak Deep Explorer[]

Nrrlak Deep Explorer

The Deep Explorer is the Nrrlak's answer to space travel. Realizing that as traders they would potentially make themselves vulnerable, they made their vessels intimidating at a distance with hopes others would leave them to their business.


Housing Structures[]

Nesting Ground[]

Taking a cue from the Rat Creatures, the Nrrlaks of Leogoz have taken to residing underground to maximize space and lower footprints. A community yard is supplied 'out back', and the residency is protected by an observation tower that watches at all hours.

Nrrlak Colonial Home[]

Knowing that colonists would likely never see the light of their home star Darin again, and knowing colonial life could be rough, housing was fashioned expressly for comfort. A large jacuzzi sits atop the structure for maximum relaxation.

Factory Structures[]

Nrrlak Refinery[]

A necessary evil of Leogoz life is the spice refinery where most citizens must toil to keep the spice flowing out the door. Loud and obnoxious, many Nrrlaks await the day they can finally retire.

Nrrlak Colonial Refinery[]

Because of the high-end spices found throughout the universe, refinement had to be brought down to a science. Colonists often toil away within these factories and go home covered in colored soot.

Entertainment Structures[]

Funbug Studios[]

Nrrlaks need their entertainment to keep them happy. Although it may seem a little over the top and goofy, this is meant to give citizens something to chuckle about while looking to unwind after a hard colony day's labor.

Oblectation Station[]

Two high rises extend from the ground, representing two tiers of entertainment; on one side, the civilian entertainment, with movies and casinos galore. On the other, entertainment for the rich, including a helipad and penthouses for extravagant parties.








Huboigeus T1


  • Location: Huboigeus, Penalvia

The first colony of many to come for the Nrrlak Empire, it was set here on orders from Mission Control. Penalvia is the closest planetary system to the Nrrlak's home system of Darin.

Outside of its distinction as the Nrrlak's first extrasolar colony, it serves little economic importance but does serve as an early warning sign to Pteis on possible interstellar invasion forces.



Quarie, location of the important Absina colony.

The second colony of the Nrrlak Empire, Absina was placed to take advantage of the great blue spice fields covering the planet.

Thanks to its blue spice production, it is a highly important colony in terms of economics to the empire as a whole.


Dylas T2

Dylas, home of the Namni and Tendun colonies.

  • Location: Dylas, Earenon

Namni was the third colony of the Nrrlak Empire, founded to protect the system from space pirates hiding out in the region.


  • Location: Dylas, Earenon

Tendun is the Nrrlak's fourth colony, and exists on Dylas, alongside their third colony, Namni. The two work together to extract as much purple spice as fast as possible.


  • Location: Unspecified

Largo is the fifth colony of the Nrrlak, intended as a forward observation post against the aggressive Beastly Empire. It is partnered with the colony built on neighboring Bolte to protect Nrrlaki space.


Bolte (Spore)


  • Location: Bolte

Selli is the sixth Nrrlak colony, and the sister colony to Largo on the planet's moon. Its establishment was intended to serve to protect Nrrlaki space from the small but seriously-taken threat of the Beastly Empire.




  • Location: Soltmae

The seventh colony of the Nrrlaki Empire, Mensky was placed on Soltmae to take advantage of green spice reserves and to serve as a recharge station between the main Empire and the border worlds.

Evolutionary History[]

Tribal Era[]

Early Nrrlak villagers worshiped a bird-like deity of balance, believing that both battle and friendship were equally important. The inclusion of talons made their armor more intimidating to outsiders.
Description of Nrrlak villagers, Vacotor Database, Terran description

Civilization Era[]

The citizens of the mid- to late-Leovolminalt Empire wore tall, almost gentlemanly hats with a steam-powered hat band that would massage the head and wick away sweat. Though they still wore their bird deity, its wings had become more elaborate.
Description of Nrrlak citizens, Vacotor Database, Terran description


Tech Gallery[]

Civilization Gallery[]

Allies Gallery[]

Space Gallery[]
