Creativity Wiki
Docusopsis Spore
General Information
Universe Kyklos Mythos
Amalgam Universe
Urth Universe
Species Type Stalk-eyed tentacleiosaur
Homeworld Vuunega
Environment Zeeon: Great Savannah
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological Information
Reproduction Sexual; lays eggs
Locomotion Bipedal movement
Feeding Behavior Carnivorous
Prey Quirlunth, Slizzard
Predators Savannah Wray
Distinctive Features Horizontal stalkeyes
Eye Color Yellow
Skin Color Green
Lineage Information
Related Species Tentacleiosaurs
Cultural Information
Alignment True Neutral
Personality Curious and clever predator
Organization Colonies
Sociocultral characteristics
Members None
Scientific Taxonomy
Planet Vuunega
Domain Monocentralis
(Single-Nucleus Complex Organisms)
Kingdom Neomalia
(Aurosian Eon's Fauna Life)
Subkingdom Zygodermata
(Neomalids with 3 Germ Layers)
Superphylum Omnicleofian
(Cells during birth perform indeterminate cleavage)
Phylum Endotricia
(Zygoderms with toughened rope-like battery notochord)
Subphylum Vertebratus
(Zygoderms with developed vertebrae)
Infraphylum Bipodomorpha
(Bipods & their descendants)
Superclass Quadropodomorpha
(Quadropods & their descendants)
Class Terrapodomorpha
(Terrapods & their descendants)
Subclass Tentacleiosaura
(Tentacleiosaurs — Anal fins develop into legs)
Superorder Therocoelognathus
(Hollow-mouthed tentacleiosaurs)
Order Chlorelictaiformes
"Abandoned Plant Form" (Chlorelicts — Tentacleiosaurs which lost symbiosis)
Suborder Forcepsilae
(Tweezejaws — Tweezer-jawed chlorelicts)
Superfamily Lestedromeoidea
"Robbing Runner" (Tentacles are replaced with arms for the sake of speed)
Family Docusopsidae
"Beam Face" (Beam-faced develops to hold sensory array)
Genus Docusopsis
Other Information
Status Least Concern
Creator Somarinoa
Last Sighting Current (3420s)
Docusopsids are a group of beam-faced reptilianoids indigenous to Vuunega. They are excellent hunters despite the wide gap between their main eyes thanks to many tinier eyes that fill the blind spot.
Vacotor Database, Terran translation

Docusopsis is a typical docusopsid — or "beam face" — a race of beam-faced dinosauroid tentacleiosaurs that inhabit the Great Savannah of Zeeon on their home planet of Vuunega. They are unable to thrive in biomes which are not wide open areas due to their very wide, stalk-like extension that the major eyes reside on at the tips. Where this would normally cause a huge blind spot directly in the middle of the vision area, docusopsids as a whole have developed a row of several eyes that line the entire front of this structure. Oddly enough this makes them powerful hunters but luckily they are not as vicious as other, more powerful predators, and generally will only attack non-prey creatures if they feel threatened, such as when something gets near to their nests. Groups of 10-100 docusopsids gather together in nesting colonies, where they help to protect one another and their young. Sexual dimorphism exists in this species, with the males' stalks being at least twice as long as a females, for display purposes.


  • Locomotion: Bipedal
  • Environment: Open areas of the Great Savannah
  • Diet: Opportunistic carnivore
  • Average Lifespan: Unspecified

  • Personality: Curious and clever predator
  • Affiliation: Independent
  • Archetype(s): Fauna
  • Primary language(s): Unspecified
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Biochemistry: Carbon-based lifeform

  • Lifestyle: Social Predator
  • Hunt/Forage Success Rate: 96% Hunt (80% success rate), 4% Scavenge (up to 100% success rate)
  • Armor: Docusopsis do not possess anything in the way of armor plating beyond their leathery skin.
  • Defenses: Unspecified
  • Weapons: Unspecified
  • Tools: A Docusopsis can manipulate objects with their two-clawed hands.
  • Method of Eating: Unspecified
  • Reproductive Rate: Sexual maturity is reached after 3 years. Can reproduce during the warmer summer months.
  • Gestation: Unspecified
  • Offspring Incubation: 4 weeks until egg hatches after being laid.
  • Number of Offspring: 7-12 per litter
  • Offspring Survival Rate (before age of maturity): 34%—the savannah is a difficult place to raise one's young, and the Docusopsis are no exception.
  • Singular/Plural/Possessive: Docusopsis / Docusopsises / Docusopsid

Food Chain[]


Typically, Docusopsises eat medium-sized creatures dotting the landscape of the Great Savannah, occasionally risking feeding upon larger rival predators such as the Slizzard. However, because they live in large colonies they are able to work together to take down even the largest of prey.


Docusopsises are successful predators but in no way the area's apex predators. Like all other species in the area, they are predated upon.

  • Savannah Wray